Returns Policy

If you wish to return an item, you may return it within 30 days of receiving the item.

Just send it back to us with your original invoice and a note asking for a refund.

Once we have received your item back and checked that it is in the original new and unworn condition as it was when it was sent out - we will refund you the full cost of the item minus any shipping costs associated with the order (this will only apply to non-UK orders, as we provide free shipping with UK orders!)


Damaged Items

If you feel an item is damaged or defective when you receive it from us, please call us on 0131 376 7153 within 7 working days. Unfortunately we cannot consider any claims that are made after this time period. As post can be lost, we only accept notification by a phone call, or an e-mail to a member of our customer care team.
Our customer care team will record your problem and work with you to resolve it.  If the customer care team cannot resolve your problem over the phone or e-mail, they will ask you to return the item. Once we receive the returned item and have confirmed that it wasn't damaged by the customer, we will replace the item or refund you the FULL cost of the damaged or defective item, plus all associated delivery and return postal costs.

Love Cashmere have extremely high quality control standards in place, so be rest assured that a damaged item from us is very rare!



When returning goods, please ensure you receive adequate insurance to cover the value of the goods that you are returning, and that the courier asks for a signature on delivery. This will allow you to track the returned goods, and claim compensation should your chosen courier lose them.


Important Points

Only the purchaser of the items can return or exchange items. If your items are lost in the post during their return, you must claim the value of the goods and postal charges back from your chosen courier. We will not consider any refund or exchange unless we have received the returned items. Any refund will only be made to the purchaser’s credit card or PayPal account.
Please remember that your happiness is our main concern and that the procedures we have in place are there to combat fraudulent claims. We appreciate your patience and will endeavour to process any refunds or exchanges as quickly as possible.